The Alins’ House


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The building was built at the end of the 19th century and belonged to the family of the famous merchant Alexander Semyonovich Alina, who was engaged in the trade of furs and fur products, and was known as the “fur king”. On the ground floor of the building there were workshops, as well as a fur store, which was considered the best store of this type in Perm. Here you could buy high-quality products made from fox, arctic fox, squirrel, sable and marten fur, as well as leather and suede products. In 1915, Alexander Semyonovich died, and his wife Taisiya Alexandrovna took over his business.

The acquaintance of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich with the Alins took place in May 1918. There were free rooms in their house, which were sometimes rented out to guests, and Mikhail Alexandrovich preferred to stay in a private apartment rather than in a hotel. On May 12, 1918, the Grand Duke with his wife Natalia Sergeevna Brasova and secretary Nikolai Nikolayevich Zhonson visited the Alins’ house and examined the rooms rented there. Mikhail Alexandrovich did not dare to move, but mutual sympathy arose between him and the Alin family. Taisiya Alexandrovna treated the guests to good tea and offered to help in supplying Mikhail Alexandrovich with some products, which were becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.

Taisiya Alexandrovna, the owner of the Alins’ fur shop, left Perm in 1919, during the retreat of Admiral Kolchak’s troops, and left for China. She first lived in Shanghai, then moved to Harbin, but was never able to come to terms with life in exile. In 1923 she returned to Perm, where she died five years later.

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